Terms and conditions of sale of goods and provision of services.
Design and costing: We Three Kings will normally offer a free design and costing service for our commission work. All designs remain the property of We Three Kings and are protected by copyright. Designs are a guide for the sole purpose of giving an approximate idea of the item described and fabricated items may vary from this. Prices quoted are estimates only due to the fluctuation of metal prices and variations in exact specification of the components. Prices are valid for 7 days and all costs are subject to amendment without prior notice. The price for items are exclusive of packaging, carriage, insurance and VAT, all of which you shall pay in addition, where applicable. No order for items made especially to order may be cancelled. A deposit may be required at commencement of work and full balancing payment with cleared funds must be made on completion. Any order given priority in an attempt to speed delivery time may be subject to a 25% surcharge without notification.
Delivery times and deadlines: We Three Kings will do its best to meet your requested completion date but undertaking any work is on the agreement that we shall not be liable for any loss for failure to complete by the requested time. You are still contractually bound to make all payments due in full, without any deduction, for the goods and services provided once the work is completed. All work undertaken without a specific deadline will be completed as soon as practically possible given the changing demand and the nature by which our work schedule can be most efficiently carried out. If we are unable to carry out the work for you or able to perform them but at unreasonable cost to us, we may cancel or suspend any of the work without liability to us.
Loss or damage: Items are accepted by us on the understanding that whilst every care is taken by us during the process of the work, We Three Kings cannot accept any liability for damage or loss to any of your items whilst in our care or when the process of the work is being carried out by us or our specialist subcontractors, even if we are negligent. It is your responsibility to make adequate insurance arrangements whilst your items are held by us and also during transit. Work includes, but is not limited to, commissions, special orders, repairs, alterations, estimates, valuations or any other service. You must inspect all work carried out at the time of collection and notify us immediately, or in writing within five days, if you believe any part of the work we have done to be defective. You must allow us to investigate and determine the reason. If we agree responsibility for a defect we will endeavour to repair or replace the defect or refund the price to you for that part of the work, at our discretion.
Opinion: We Three Kings may offer estimates, opinion or advice. This is based on our knowledge and experience but is for you to apply at your own risk. We do not accept any liability for inaccuracies, errors, loss or damage caused as a result.
Right to sell: We Three Kings reserves the right to sell, scrap or dispose of uncollected items and property which have not been collected after a reasonable time, normally one year. Notification of completed work is usually by telephone call, which may be leaving an answer phone message, or email or by prearranged date. Failure to collect items after a further reminder and within one year of first notification will grant your consent for us to sell, scrap or dispose of the items to recoup the cost of the work carried out and cover all additional costs incurred. This does not affect our right to claim against you for any amounts unpaid and for any additional costs incurred.
Privacy: We Three Kings may store personal information about you on paper or electronically for design, contact or payment purposes. It is not disclosed to any third party unless to administer the above purposes. You are agreeing to this policy when requesting work from us. You may request to have details which identify you removed once it is no longer required.
Your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions is granted when you choose to leave any item in our care. If any of these terms are unenforceable as drafted it will not affect the enforceability of any other of these terms and if it would be enforceable if amended, it will be treated as so amended. These terms and conditions are governed by and subject to English law.